No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

Homemade Olive Rosemary Bread! Aromatic bliss with a perfect blend of rosemary, olive oil, and olives. Easy recipe with no added sugar.

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

We have a rosemary bush in our garden and it’s the only thing still sort of growing this time of year. Rosemary is amazing with almost everything, but we love it in freshly baked bread.

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

Chop up the olives fairly small, and drain well so you don’t add extra liquid to the dough.

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

Combine the flour, dried yeast and salt, then stir in the rosemary and chopped olives.

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

We used extra virgin olive oil for this bread recipe, it helps to get a crusty artisan crust.

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

Add the hand hot water and stir well with a blunt knife until fully combined into a stiff dough.

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

Allow to rise, covered in a warm place for at least an hour until doubled in size.

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

Gently scrape into a lined or non-stick baking tray, and pop in the oven for an hour.

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

The smell is fantastic, slice when cool and enjoy toasted drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Or spread with butter and houmous for an easy lunch. Also delicious with soups and stews!

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

It’s beautiful with green olives, also amazing with Kalamata olives too.

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

No Knead Rosemary Olive Oil Artisan Bread Recipe

Recipe Category: Bread

Recipe Cuisine: Italian

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 60 mins

Servings: 12

Calories: 156

Rating: 5 from 1 votes


  • 450g wholemeal flour
  • 90g olives
  • 1 tbsp chopped rosemary
  • 2 tsp dried yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 350ml hand hot water


  • Mix together flour, salt, and yeast
  • Add chopped olives and rosemary, combine
  • Sprinkle oil and add water, stir into a dough with a knife
  • Cover and allow to rise for at least an hour in a warm place
  • Turn out into a non-stick or lined baking tray and bake for 1 hour at gas mark 7 until the base sounds hollow when tapped
  • Cook for a further 10 minutes upside down if needed

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